/BCO-DMO/INSPIRE/combined --lats eq -73.57-- Level 1

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#  ASPIRE station data used to develop 1-D and 3-D numerical models from the Nathaniel B. Palmer in the Amundsen Sea from 2010-12-14 through 2011-01-05
#  PI: Patricia L. Yager
#  Version: 2019-04-17
Station  lats    lons     
13       -73.57  -112.67  
LocalDate   Depth               Chla                DissFe              TotalDIN  PON                 
2010-12-19  1.5082672619601798  9.28671617859798    nd                  20.9409   4.65034565476191    
2010-12-19  9.66004109699151    9.96495949501244    nd                  20.4485   5.14231172619048    
2010-12-19  9.71                nd                  0.0858939888885239  nd        nd                  
2010-12-19  24.353              nd                  0.0681900013988428  nd        nd                  
2010-12-19  25.0165956558011    10.1475634648163    nd                  20.8      5.07938672619048    
2010-12-19  39.715965587343895  7.48676276195961    nd                  23.967    3.20288886904762    
2010-12-19  40.47               nd                  0.220202798352416   nd        nd                  
2010-12-19  49.256383721603406  nd                  nd                  27.534    nd                  
2010-12-19  74.60628144020708   2.84340467266062    nd                  29.285    1.2053887202381     
2010-12-19  99.53361468954279   nd                  nd                  29.402    nd                  
2010-12-19  99.596              nd                  0.141891682427412   nd        nd                  
2010-12-19  199.80900000000003  nd                  0.299342712601353   nd        nd